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How to check an egg

Useful Information

A chicken egg is the most important element of the modern human nutrition; therefore, it is included into a category of strategic foodstuff.  Alsad Kazakhstan is proud of its products based on the healthy birds. All birds are fed with a complete feeding stuff without antibiotics and artificial additives, while conditions of poultry keeping with use of high-technology equipment are ideal for production of the best quality eggs.

Quality of edible eggs can be evaluated under such criteria as freshness, marketable appearance, mass, shell cleanness and integrity, yolk color, albumen density and nutritive value. Eggs from Alsad Kazakhstan have hundred-per-cent quality results against all the criteria.

A good quality edible egg is a high-value dietary product. It contains all the necessary nutritional and biologically active substances in the well-balanced form, which determines their high-level absorbency (96-98%). One chicken egg is equal by its nutritional value to 40g of meat, 200g of milk and satisfies the 24-hour requirement of an adult for protein, fat and mineral substances by 4-5% and 10-30% for main vitamins.

The egg from Alsad Kazakhstan contains the whole complex of vitamins, as well as nonessential and essential amino acids and fatty acids.

Daily consumption of a chicken egg is the guarantee of a healthy lifestyle. 

About a hen

Capacity of our poultry plant enables to produce 50 tons of chicken meet per month.  In quantitative terms, it is equal to 50,000 eviscerated dressed chickens. Average weight of a dressed chicken is 1 kg. Associated products include heart, gizzard, legs, neck, comb and head.

Chicken meat is one of essential elements for a healthy diet; it is a delicious, wholesome, low-calorie and easily digested product. Chicken meat is a source of high-quality proteins, vitamins, amino acids and minerals that are indispensable ingredients for growth and functioning of any organism and basic components for prevention of some diseases.

Meet of laying hens is one of few products of high nutrition value, which is much cheaper than others. Compared to broiler chicken meat, meet of laying hens (mainly designated to lay eggs) require a longer cooking period. However, its nutrition value and taste is on a par with the broiler’s, its dietic qualities are even higher.

As for minimum content of cholesterol, chicken breasts (so called “white meat”) can be behind fish only.

Chicken meat contains a big number of B group vitamins that affect all types of metabolic processes, take part in control of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, contribute to normal functioning of the central nervous system, keep skin and nails healthy and strengthen immunity. The chicken meat contains a lot of mineral substances: easily digestible iron, sulphur, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium and copper.

High amount of protein enables chicken meat to be the best construction material for the muscles.

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